Airstream Office, before photos
We needed an office to be the hub for the campground, and ideally we needed something we could park in our driveway for the development stages and then eventually move to the site, so what better fit then a trailer? Initially the search on Craigslist was for anything inexpensive and easy to gut, but the world has different plans for us, and into our life came Pearl, a 22′ 1964 Airstream Safari. So Dan set about gutting the interior and transforming the airstream into his new office. Because we knew the office wasn’t going to be used for camping, it allowed us to remove the beds and create a custom desk. The process took 6 months and included repainting the interior, custom building all the cabinets, adding paneling to the walls and refrigerator, creating new counters out of off cuts of black walnut, redoing the flooring and redoing the lighting. Phew! What a lot of work! To see the after photos click here. Have you redone an airstream? Leave a comment with your project or photos, we’d love to see.
Yes my wife and I have redone an Airstream – a 1967 Caravel. We use it for an escape pod to explore remote and urban California. We have also taken it to Colorado, Utah and Nevada. Great experience.
Yeah! So excited to hear we have more local vintage love.