Camping in the mist
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Winter Camping

Happy New Year!  How are you beating your winter camping blues?  We've come up with a list of a few ideas, thanks to the inspiration from our friends at RVFTA "Kick The RV Winterization Blues" podcast episode. Go camping more!  Not…
Holiday Camping

Christmas at the Campground

Who can believe it's almost Christmas?  Anyone else dreaming of Christmas at the campground?  Just a friendly reminder that the RV sites are open year round, so if you want to bring your travel trailer or motorhome and come camping with…
Airstream in the snow

Winter Projects

Happy January Campers!  Nevada City was blessed with a dusting of snow earlier this week and we're gearing up for a big rain storm this weekend.  While we all enjoy the winter wonders, it's time to think about the upcoming camping…
Airstream camping
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Autumn Camping

Yeah November!  The Inn Town Campground has had a great autumn, lots of happy campers, numerous repeat customers and plenty of roasted marshmallows over the gas fire pits.  Our forest was also treated to a series of early season rain storms…
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Spring Updates

Happy Spring!  The flowers are blooming, the days are getting longer and we can feel that camping season is just around the corner.  Our online reservations are now available from July 1st onwards and we're amazed by how popular the glamping…
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Building a campground

We've been busy working away at the Inn Town Campground.  We know, everyone wants to know when we'll be open and when can you book online, we're working on those details, please stay tuned. We have started our infrastucture, S&P Excavating…

Airstream Trailer Restoration

We recently aquired a new-to-us Airstream.  Some of you may have seen photos of Dan's Airstream office, click here for more photos of the beautiful restoration.  So when a friend tagged us on a local Facebook group about a gutted 1970…
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Vintage Airstreams, glamping tents and market research

People keep asking where we're at with the Inn Town Campground construction and the official answer is that we are "at the stage of finalizing the site and building design in anticipation of getting construction drawings for permits.  We hope…
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Questions and answers with Dan

Erin here, I managed to track down down the busy man Dan.  Hi Dan, thanks for sitting down with me to answer a few questions about the campground project.  Congrats again on the recent use permit approval, but I'm curious to know more about…
Airstream Office

Airstream Office

22' 1964 Airstream Safari, converted to be an office for the Inn Town Campground, Nevada City, California, custom conversion by Dan Thiem, photos by Kat Alves Photography.  To see the before photos, click here.  © 2014 Inn Town…
Airstream Office

Airstream Office, before photos

We needed an office to be the hub for the campground, and ideally we needed something we could park in our driveway for the development stages and then eventually move to the site, so what better fit then a trailer?  Initially the search on…